We are known as the SoulMating Doctors. For the past 20 years, through our international private practice, we have specialized in teaching men and women the concepts and tools that enhance the quality of their lives, as well as improve their relationships with themselves and another through our individual, couples and group relationship coaching practice. Basha does most of the individual therapeutic coaching, while Basha and Jeff work together with the couple and group sessions.
Utilizing our varied professional backgrounds and expertise — Basha as a licensed clinical psychologist for over 30 years and Jeff with his doctorates in transpersonal psychology and educational administration –- in addition to learning from our personal experiences and mistakes, taught us many valuable tools to help people get the desired results in all of their relationships.
In that regard, we offer a unique approach to relationship coaching.
We believe that lasting results can only occur through a change in consciousness, along with a transformation of one’s relationship to self and life, as each client learns how to be a participant in life, rather than an observer.
Our model of therapeutic relationship coaching encompasses these three areas:
1) Comprehensibility -– one’s grasp of the world as meaningful, orderly and consistent instead of chaotic, random and unpredictable
2) Manageability — reliable coping skills from personal resources and seeking help instead of endless grieving and being a victim of circumstances
3) Meaningfulness — the deep feeling that life makes sense, its demands are worthy of commitment and that there is a subjective connection with the divine, contributing something to the world.
No matter what type of coaching we are doing, our goal is to empower each person to take charge of their own life by learning new attitudes and skills. We feel that by focusing on changing the way we think, we can alter our moods, see new solutions and deal more effectively as problem solvers in every area of our lives. This naturally leads to increased self-esteem and confidence because we have guided and directed everyone in our practice towards a better version of WHO they are.
Our coaching sessions are very practical, action-oriented, direct and engaging, both at our home office in Naples, Florida as well as distance sessions via telephone or Skype.
Individuals get lasting results very quickly because they have transformed their relationship to themselves and another through a new awareness, as well as learning the tools and skills to not only know WHAT TO DO but, most importantly HOW TO DO IT to achieve lasting results.
The following elements are present in each type of relationship coaching, be it individual, couple or group:
1) Our book is used as a major tool which greatly accelerates the entire process
2) Each session is personalized
3) Provide each individual or couple with an audio file of the session
4) Self-work homework assignments are given at the end of every session, even before the first meeting
To learn more and/or to set up an appointment, please contact us.